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Mashhood Ali

What should be the CTC to get 2L take home per month?

3 weeks ago5 comments

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Wasim 3 days ago

I don't know any one who is currently getting 2 lakh in hand per month, but I can assume, your monthly ctc should be 2.8 lakh for getting 2 lakh in hand.

Mohit G. 2 weeks ago

If we assume a 30% tax bracket and some deductions, the approximate CTC to achieve a take-home salary of ₹2 lakhs per month would be around ₹40 lakhs to ₹45 lakhs annually, which breaks down to about ₹3.3 lakhs to ₹3.75 lakhs per month in CTC. This is a rough estimate and could vary based on specific individual factors and benefits.

Maybank, Senior Developer 3 weeks ago

For a ₹2 lakh take-home salary, a reasonable CTC estimate would be between ₹3 lakh and ₹4 lakh per month.

XYZ 3 weeks ago

At least 30LPA, i guess.

Yusuf 3 weeks ago

To determine the Cost to Company (CTC) needed to take home ₹2 lakh per month, you need to account for deductions such as taxes, provident fund, and other benefits. The CTC can vary based on these factors, but a rough estimate would be to target a CTC of approximately ₹30-35 lakh per annum.

Here's a basic breakdown:

Monthly Take-Home Pay: ₹2,00,000
Annual Take-Home Pay: ₹24,00,000

Tax Deductions: Depending on your tax bracket, income tax could significantly affect the take-home amount.
Provident Fund (PF): Typically 12% of the basic salary.
Other Benefits: Bonuses, insurance, etc., can also influence the CTC.
Approximate CTC Calculation:

Annual Take-Home Pay: ₹24,00,000
Estimated Taxes and Deductions: Around ₹5,00,000 - ₹8,00,000 (varies based on tax slabs and other deductions)
Provident Fund: If PF is 12% of the basic, adjust the basic salary to account for this deduction.
Other Benefits: Include a buffer for other company-provided benefits.
Given these factors, aiming for a CTC of around ₹30-35 lakh annually should generally meet your goal of a ₹2 lakh monthly take-home pay. Adjustments might be necessary based on specific deductions and benefits provided by the employer.

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